🇬🇧🔊 /ˈprɛsɪd(ə)nt/ 🇺🇸🔊/ˈprɛsədənt/
The court’s decision set a precedent for future cases.
This is a precedent case that we can refer to in similar situations.
set a precedent: 设立先例
Her actions set a precedent for how future employees should be treated.
follow precedent: 遵循惯例
The new manager decided to follow precedent in handling employee requests.
“Precedent” 源自拉丁语中的 “praecedens”,是 “praecedere”(在前面走)的现在分词形式,由 “prae-"(在…前面)和 “cedere”(走)构成。
复数: precedents
criterion / antecedent / authority /exemplar / instance / model / paradigm
A: We’re facing a unique situation with this client. How should we proceed?
B: Well, we can set a precedent by offering a customized solution.
A: Won’t that deviate from our standard approach?
B: Not necessarily. In this case, flexibility could become our precedent for dealing with special client requests.
The Landmark Precedent
In a small town, there was a historic courthouse known for its wise judges and landmark decisions. One day, a complex case involving property rights came before Judge Thompson.
Knowing the importance of the decision, Judge Thompson carefully studied previous cases and sought to set a precedent that would guide future rulings. After weeks of meticulous examination, he delivered a verdict that would be remembered for generations to come.
The court’s decision not only resolved the current dispute but also established a landmark precedent for similar cases in the future. Lawyers and judges from neighboring towns would often refer to this case when faced with similar legal dilemmas.
Judge Thompson’s dedication to justice and his commitment to upholding the law set a standard that would be followed by judges for years to come. His legacy lived on through the precedent he had set, reminding all that the pursuit of justice leaves an indelible mark on the pages of history.